Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In c#.net or VB.net, how do I create a window that contains windows?

Many programs have a master window and there are sub-windows like in photoshop. Using the 'Window' menu a user can switch between the two or more sub-windows. Do I start with a form as is given when a new project is created(with visual studio) and add them (if so, how?) or do I create seperate forms and call one from the other(if so, how?) I am looking for an overview of how it works. A book that shows this would be great!

In c#.net or VB.net, how do I create a window that contains windows?
I think you mean to use MDI, the Multiple-Document Interface. The link below will lead to C# and VB examples.
Reply:assumption :

frmStart : The first form which loads when the program is executed.

frmSearch : A form for searching like find/replace.

menuSearch : A menu item in frmstart which when clicked opens the frmsearch.

the code is as follows:

private sub OpenSearch ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles menuSearch.Click

Dim frmSearchChld As New frmSearch()

With frmSearchChld

.Owner = Me

.Show() // .showDialog()

End With

end sub


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